Professional Projects
- MLHub - AI-powered medical imaging platform @Luxsonic
- IGT-VR-AI - AI-powered Image-guide therapy VR workflow. @Luxsonic
- SecondRead - visual attention mapping in medical image interpretation @ClearVoxel
- Context-aware gesture control of medical imaging workflow @ClearVoxel
- Dual screen eye-tracking @ClearVoxel
- Functional Lumbar Spine Stability assessment @Halifax Biomedical
- Evaluation of the kinematic coupling of joint replacement implants @Halifax Biomedical
- Reconfiguration of stereometric x-ray imaging of the spine @Halifax Biomedical
- Statistical Shape Models of the lumbar Spine @Halifax Biomedical
- Development of new MRI methods to image myelin @Lawson Health Research
- Feasibility and reproducibility studies in human subjects @Lawson Health Research
- Demagnitization of a hospital room @Lawson Health Research
- Fabrication of an acoustical model of the human lung @Centre for Imaging Research and Materical Characterization
Side Projects
- PDplease - PD-friendly optometrists
- Plumpager - Instant notification of Kijiji ads matchign a search criteria
- CommuteBliss - Peer-to-peer congestion pricing
- UntagIt - Crowd-funded graffiti clean up
- WhipBowl - Digital recipe book maker.